Sunday, February 3, 2013


Aha! At last semester one is over! I have a slight headache over kesho's beginning of semester and what for? I just saw the timetable over the weekend and this is after an exam...I haven't even taken a rest...but wait havent I also been watching movies? Now I am seeing the reason why the headache is sikukunywa chai asubuhi! Aiii blame it on my lunje roots, I will seek further instructions before I sleep later today on how to keep it away...though I have literally taken care of the tea issue plus now, I am no longer watching telly and have resorted to listening to music instead for the rest of this week till Thursday! I have heard 1001 stories and theories...anyway that is a story for another day...back to my headache. Yes, I am currently typing away with one so do not blame me for any typos I may make. Today, I decided I will just type, type whatever comes to mind since I want to release my tension, my fears perhaps...fear of....I don't know what but yes just one of those days. Maybe its the reason for my headache...okay I am so trying to get to the root of it all, but it seems not to be working. Period of unwinding, I am chatting with a friend right now who happens to be making my evening, and trust me my headache is kinda reducing because of all the laughing, perhaps I needed to laugh a now wondering kwani I haven't laughed today? Or maybe I haven't? Today am blank....never have been...maybe tomorrow I will have energy to write the theories as for now, let me nurse my now sightly reduced headache...I need some milk and then let me do hot chocolate..then I will be good to sleep over the headache and wake up head clear for econometrics! Yes, I have 4 hours of econometrics tomorrow. Now come to think of it, this headache started when I went through the timetable.....let me then sleep so I can relax for tomorrow's class but trust me I will give you some interesting stuff that went down...from this guy who speaks great English and claims to be illiterate? What is the meaning of illiterate again? To one who drank his favorite drink, "mala" or fermented milk...wah! This one made my Friday...but let me keep this till tomorrow....yes tomorrow, I will let be back to my normal self and will be writing things that make a lot of sense. I just hope I wont regret, tomorrow, when reading through this one that I am just about to finish....eish blame the headache!!! Which now by the way, is gone, gone, gone...I can see some light at the end of the tunnel...goodnight peeps!